The Energy-Enviro Specialists Since 1947



The Unbeatable Revomax Reverse Flue Firetube Boiler.

Technology Supplier: Ygnis Kassel AG, Switzerland.

Over 60,000 Ygnis design Boilers have been built by 18 licensees across the world. The Reverse Flue Boiler design is  the only design of boiler which reverses the flue gases within the Furnace, enabling the un-burnt fuel from burner to have a second chance for combustion. Throughout the load profile without Oxygen Trim system, the boiler design has an emission level not exceeding 10 ppm of Carbon Monoxide and can work with Oxygen levels as low as 2%.With complementary Economizers and Condensing Economizers, the efficiency can easily reach 96%. Today the world standard for Efficiency checking is: Input –Output ratio of Energy calculated on a monthly basis. The Revomax HDR Input / Output Efficiency exceeds 86% without economizer and  over 92% with Single Stage economizer, 98 % with condensing economiser.

Type: Fire Tube
Fuel: Gas / Diesel / HFO
Capacity: 500 KG/HR - 17000 KG/HR
Pressure upto: 13 Bar (g)

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