The Energy-Enviro Specialists Since 1947


AQUATHERM - Aquatherm

Time Tested 3 pass Reverse flame boiler with a fully water cooled flue gas turning chamber guarantees high efficiency and actually burns fuel twice. The boiler consists of a Cylindrical vessel with suitable tube sheets and tubes placed in a cross flow pattern to utilize every gram of energy . The boiler construction to ASME Code IV is completely electrically welded and provided with all required inspection openings and a circulatory syphon system that ensures that no sludge accumulates at the boiler bottom. Exhaust Gas temperatures are about 30 C above Water temperature and care has been taken to prevent back end corrosion in all designs.

The front door opens with just two bolts to expose the furnace and tubes for easy cleaning. However, the combustion is so clean that even on Heavy Fuel Operation, the cleaning requirements of the fireside could be between 8-9 months.

Unsurpassed Efficiency Reverse Flue Hot Water Boilers: Ideal for applications such as:

Food & Meat Processing Industry, Garment & Home Textiles, Apartment Buildings, Hotels, Wherever High Pressure High Temperature Hot Water needed.


Fuel: Oil / Gas
Capacity: 500 KWth - 15000 KWth

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